
Thursday, December 28, 2006

Emily and the boys

We're having another boy! I was so sure it was going to be a girl, but I'm not at all disappointed. I'm still very shocked though. Emily was pretty upset at first, but she's dealing with another brother just fine now. We're all going to have to adjust to all of the home changes that need to take place to make room for the baby. Some bedroom trades are in the making.

Our holiday was wonderful. The kids got all they wanted and more. Emily woke us up at 5:30am! Santa brought her a pink guitar. It was all very exciting for each of them.

I need some boy name suggestions.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I did it!!

I'm a smarty pants! I got 4.0's in both of my classes!

It's a crazy week. I'm super duper stressed. I have tons of wrapping, baking, cleaning and numerous other things to do. I'm still on an emotional roller coaster too.
The good news though is that I found the BEST recipe for banana bread, but the bad news is I can't stop eating it. Sarah and I are baking a ton of cookies on Friday too. Hey, us pregnant ladies find any excuse to eat.

Exciting news for the coming weeks:
Only 3 and a half weeks until Sam and Stacy's wedding!!!
One more week and we should know the gender of our little one. (Thanks for bursting my bubble, Sam), but I do believe nasal congestion is a sure sign of a girl! I have three other pregnancies to go on, what's your evidence?
Just three weeks until Sarah finds out what she's having.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My pregnancy hormones are out of control. Lately I've been quite the beast. Poor Dennis. One minute I'm crazy irritated and the next I could cry a river. At least I have Sarah to participate in this madness with me. I do think being pregnant and having children already is much harder. The kids don't care if I'm crabby, tired or don't feel like sharing my snack.

The good news is that at least I have the kids' Christmas excitement to cheer me up. I'm so looking forward to their faces Christmas morning! It's by far the best part of the holidays. I'm also looking forward to baking. It ends up being a lot of work and a mess, but it's a good time and you end up with a yummy treat. Our festivities begin this weekend when we get together with a group of friends.

Two weeks from today we find out the sex of the baby. I'm 90% sure that it's a girl. I've had most of the same symptoms that I had when pregnant with Emily. The nasal congestion/sneezing continues, but is not nearly as bad as it was with her. So, no I don't need any nasal spray for Christmas.

Finals are done too!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Trans fats alert!

Read this...

Friday, December 08, 2006

Rude Awakenings

Alright guys, geez! I'll post!

Since Sam and Stacy want me to blog so badly I'll start by saying how excited I am that their wedding is just over a month away. I can't wait to take Nick to get fitted for his cute little tux this weekend.

I haven't been sleeping well. Perhaps it's the growing belly. I don't sleep for long stretches without having to pee, find a comfortable position or take Noah back to his bed. Noah wakes up a lot in the middle of the night and always wants to be re-tucked in. It's a hassle. I try to work in an afternoon nap during the boys naptime, but that doesn't usually go over very well. Noah will fall asleep immediately and Nick takes forever, so by the time Nick falls asleep, Noah is awake. It's a terrible, terrible cycle.

I "for sure" felt some baby movement yesterday. It hasn't happened much since, but it was neato. Even after three other pregnancies, it's weird knowing someone else is in your body.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Kids, Critters and Christmas

I'm starting over. Blogging that is. I'm going to give this a try for a while. We'll see if I can keep up with the demands of having three children, being pregnant, tending to my two jobs, being a part time college student and wife.
So here is the latest news in my little world...

I'm currently almost half way done with my fourth and last pregnancy. In a few short weeks we should know the gender of this little critter and hopefully place a name on him/her. Knowing my husband he'll make me wait until he/she is born to finally agree on a name.
My semester of school is just about complete and if I do well on my final exams, I should have a 4.0 in both classes. I'm proud of myself because that is a huge accomplishment!
I've been busy getting the kids ready for Christmas. Of course they are super excited and Emily updates our "Christmas Countdown" every morning.