
Thursday, November 01, 2007

This and That

I guess I've become a once a month blogger.I've probably lost all of my readers. I'm seriously going to try to update more often. Here's what's new in our land...

Halloween is over. The kids were super duper excited and had a really great time. Emily was a cheerleader, Nick was Batman, Noah was Frankenstein and Drew was a devil. I passed out candy while D took the kids out. It mostly was a fun evening minus a couple of annoying visitors.

I had one heck of a month at Em's school. A fight broke out between another mom and I, but I'll spare you the details because I have some idea that people in my life are sick of hearing about it or just don't really care at all. It's funny though that when other people have issues/confrontation they are provided support. Baffles me. If anyone wants details, just e-mail or comment to me.

I'm looking forward to November even though the year is going by far too fast.