
Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Today Nick and Noah started school. They both did terrific. Noah was so excited when I picked them up. He had so much to tell me. I had an actual two and a half hours while they were gone and I didn't use it to my advantage at all. I was a a lazy slacker, but I'm sick so that's okay. Right?

Andrew and I have colds. It's hard to take care of a sick infant when you are sick yourself, but I'm managing it. I have a feeling the rest of the clan may get it as well.

In other news, I'm very disappointed with the Tigers. I need them to make the playoffs. Not only because I'm a fan but also because I hate football season and need baseball to last as long as possible.

I'm off to my "To Do List." It's pretty long.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


It's been a long time. I apologize.

Emily started the third grade last week. I cannot believe how fast our children are growing up. She ended up with the same teacher she had in second grade. This is great news because we absolutely adore her. Em is in a third/fourth split class.

Both Nick and Noah start pre-school next week. They're going at the same time on the same days, so I'll get a bit of a break.

Drew is already almost four months old. He and Charley got their pictures taken together. Drew was not in a smiling mood, but the pictures turned out pretty cute.

That's all for now. Busy, busy!