
Monday, August 13, 2007

I'm happy

We had quite an eventful weekend. Dennis and I attended a wedding reception on Friday. It was so nice for just the two of us to spend some much needed time together. I think I've drank more in the past week than I have in the past year, but I was pregnant for most of that time AND turning 30 requires this much celebrating. Saturday we saw Fiona Apple and Nickelcreek at Meadowbrook. It was a beautiful evening and the show was great. Fiona Apple performing live is fantastic! Then Sunday Dennis' boss had an annual get together out at her house in Waterford. It was really nice because they live on a lake and the kids had a blast playing in the water. At one point Nick was sitting on these big rocks around the water with a bag of chips in his hand and said "I'm happy." It was the cutest thing ever!

We ended the weekend by watching a few episodes of Alias, season 3. I'm so addicted to watching Alias right now that I literally could watch it ALL day. Sarah told me years ago to watch it, but I ignored her and now Dennis and I cannot wait to catch up and be able to talk about it with her.

Monday, August 06, 2007

It's my birthday!

Well it's official, I'm in my thirties. My family and friends came over Saturday for a party to help me celebrate. It was such a great time and I received very wonderful and thoughtful gifts.

Thanks to everyone and I hope that you all enjoyed the tacos and margaritas. I sure did!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

nomorethanfour: Go read this!

nomorethanfour: Go read this!

Go read this!

I hope that link works. It's my sister in law's blog and everyone needs to read it.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

WOW! It's been a while...

I'm going to try and keep up with this here blog. With four kids now and starting an in home daycare, it may be hard, but I need another hobby.

So, Andrew Dennis was born on May 21st. He is a very happy, easy going baby. Drew fit right into the craziness in our home. He's been a true delight and we're trying to cherish every moment of our "last" baby. Sorry folks, no more kiddos coming out of me.

I became an aunt just ten days after Drew arrived. Charley Robert is the joy of my "auntie" life and I care for him while his parents work. I'm honored to be able to help take care of my nephew.

The daycare is going pretty well. The State takes FOREVER to finalize everything, so it's still unofficial, but we're almost there. I already have about 7 clients and although the work is exhausting, it's just as rewarding.

I've taken a little break from school to get things done with the daycare and to try and keep my self sane in the meantime. My anxiety has come back in full force since the birth of Drew, so I'm trying to not stress myself out too much.

I'm also turning 30 on Monday and I've had a hard time dealing with that as well. I know my thirties will be just as meaningful as my twenties, but there is something about not being considered in the 18-29 range anymore. It just seems like time flies each and every year and the kids are growing up so fast. Emily is losing a bunch of teeth, Nick is his own little person and about to start his second year of preschool and Noah wants to start the three year old preschool program as well. My babies are becoming "little people" already.

Overall, it's been a great year. What more can you ask for than two healthy new family members, three growing children, a wonderful husband and family? I hope "30" isn't as bad as it sounds :-)

I promise to update more often.