
Thursday, November 01, 2007

This and That

I guess I've become a once a month blogger.I've probably lost all of my readers. I'm seriously going to try to update more often. Here's what's new in our land...

Halloween is over. The kids were super duper excited and had a really great time. Emily was a cheerleader, Nick was Batman, Noah was Frankenstein and Drew was a devil. I passed out candy while D took the kids out. It mostly was a fun evening minus a couple of annoying visitors.

I had one heck of a month at Em's school. A fight broke out between another mom and I, but I'll spare you the details because I have some idea that people in my life are sick of hearing about it or just don't really care at all. It's funny though that when other people have issues/confrontation they are provided support. Baffles me. If anyone wants details, just e-mail or comment to me.

I'm looking forward to November even though the year is going by far too fast.

Monday, October 01, 2007

It's October?

This year has certainly been flying right on by. I can't believe it's already almost time for Halloween. The kids are so excited. Yesterday I got out the decorations (after much begging from Nicholas) and the boys just went wild.

Both boys are doing well in pre-school. Emily enjoys her teacher, but I think third grade is a bit overwhelming for her. The third grade teachers trade on and off teaching different subjects, so she has a different teacher for each subject. It's just like junior high! I'm not sure how I feel about it just yet. I think it might be a little too much for eight year olds.

Drew had his four month check up and is right on track for his age. He is still rolling tummy to back and has rolled back to tummy a couple of times, but isn't really interested in it. Drew is cooing and he even growls at us.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Today Nick and Noah started school. They both did terrific. Noah was so excited when I picked them up. He had so much to tell me. I had an actual two and a half hours while they were gone and I didn't use it to my advantage at all. I was a a lazy slacker, but I'm sick so that's okay. Right?

Andrew and I have colds. It's hard to take care of a sick infant when you are sick yourself, but I'm managing it. I have a feeling the rest of the clan may get it as well.

In other news, I'm very disappointed with the Tigers. I need them to make the playoffs. Not only because I'm a fan but also because I hate football season and need baseball to last as long as possible.

I'm off to my "To Do List." It's pretty long.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


It's been a long time. I apologize.

Emily started the third grade last week. I cannot believe how fast our children are growing up. She ended up with the same teacher she had in second grade. This is great news because we absolutely adore her. Em is in a third/fourth split class.

Both Nick and Noah start pre-school next week. They're going at the same time on the same days, so I'll get a bit of a break.

Drew is already almost four months old. He and Charley got their pictures taken together. Drew was not in a smiling mood, but the pictures turned out pretty cute.

That's all for now. Busy, busy!

Monday, August 13, 2007

I'm happy

We had quite an eventful weekend. Dennis and I attended a wedding reception on Friday. It was so nice for just the two of us to spend some much needed time together. I think I've drank more in the past week than I have in the past year, but I was pregnant for most of that time AND turning 30 requires this much celebrating. Saturday we saw Fiona Apple and Nickelcreek at Meadowbrook. It was a beautiful evening and the show was great. Fiona Apple performing live is fantastic! Then Sunday Dennis' boss had an annual get together out at her house in Waterford. It was really nice because they live on a lake and the kids had a blast playing in the water. At one point Nick was sitting on these big rocks around the water with a bag of chips in his hand and said "I'm happy." It was the cutest thing ever!

We ended the weekend by watching a few episodes of Alias, season 3. I'm so addicted to watching Alias right now that I literally could watch it ALL day. Sarah told me years ago to watch it, but I ignored her and now Dennis and I cannot wait to catch up and be able to talk about it with her.

Monday, August 06, 2007

It's my birthday!

Well it's official, I'm in my thirties. My family and friends came over Saturday for a party to help me celebrate. It was such a great time and I received very wonderful and thoughtful gifts.

Thanks to everyone and I hope that you all enjoyed the tacos and margaritas. I sure did!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

nomorethanfour: Go read this!

nomorethanfour: Go read this!

Go read this!

I hope that link works. It's my sister in law's blog and everyone needs to read it.